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Dr. Sandy Womack Jr.

Dr. Sandy Womack Jr. is a servant leader with over 28 years of successful experience in urban education. He is an NCAA All-American wrestler with a doctorate in educational leadership. He is an author, principal, district administrator, equity trainer, and motivational speaker. Dr. Womack is an urban school turnaround specialist. Sandy served as the director of principal leadership and development and the equity task force leader in the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Schools. He is currently an Area Superintendent in the largest school district in Ohio. Dr. Womack is married and has three daughters, Alexis, Imani, and Nia.


As Director of School Improvement in one of The Ohio Big Eight Urban Districts, he and his team increased the performance levels of each school under his umbrella. The schools made adequate yearly progress with all subgroups in several of his schools. The majority of his schools, during this tenure as director of school improvement, moved to the effective rating on their Ohio Department of Education local school report cards.

As a principal, Sandy was appointed to serve in two of the lowest-performing schools in Stark County, one at the elementary level and the other at the middle school level. Each school had over 20% special education, 90% poverty, and over 85% minority student populations. The success of his students and staff in these schools provided him the unique skill set he possesses today. Dr. Womack moved his elementary school from academic emergency to school of choice status increasing the reading and math performance levels by over 60 percentage points. He and his staff moved his middle school from academic emergency to effective proving many naysayers wrong, after the board of education closed his school mid-year.

”Education has changed my life, and the lives of my family and community have improved tremendously as a result of the God-given purpose to serve students in an urban setting. As a child of a single mother, a father with three felony convictions, and low expectations from teachers, and school administration I learned the importance of starting with self. Education is not the 'like' business; it is the life business and educators either breathe life into their students or take the life out of them. We work to ensure your staff has the tools to breathe life into the students and the faculty.”


Recent Articles Featuring Dr. Womack

Womack, S. (2018) March 2, 2018, Schools Need Support commentary, Education Week. 


Arnett, A. (2017) July 17, 2017, Funding for Failure: officials say education isn’t created for everyone, Featured Article, Education Dive  

Womack, S. (2017) Sanctions: Exploring the Perceptions of Urban School Principals on NCLB; after successfully turning around a low performing school


Womack, S. (2016) September 21, 2016, ESSA Alone Not Enough to Help Students, Education Week, Vol. 36, Issue 5, pg. 21

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