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Needs Assessments:

How to interpret your data from an asset view versus deficit view

  • What does your data suggest? 

  • What do your test scores really tell you about your students/staff?  

  • Where is learning taking place and how do you know? 

  • Mastery Standards

Change the stinking thinking

(It’s not what you are eating but often what is eating at you)

Collaborative Approach:


Why organizational structure, systemic processes, and celebrations turn schools around

  • Who is at the table and why? 

  • Power - Authority - Influence

  • Do you know your Negotiated Agreement?


It takes two to make them

anD a minimum of two to raise them

(You don’t have to be sick to get a better approach)

Equity is Everything:


When you start with the heart and mind it’s hard to lose

  • Mental Mindsets - Why I believe and What I believe  

  • Commonalities v.s. Difference

  • Self-Efficacy

  • Top Five influences

  • Chapters of our lives


If it is to be, it is up to me.

(He who conceals his disease can’t expect to be cured)

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